woensdag 7 oktober 2009

Vegetables and fruits market: watch out! Here is Flandria!

I can imagine most of the people who read the title of this blog post are thinking: what have Flandria vegetables and fruits got to do with auditing?!? Well, actually it’s quite simple: before these vegetables and fruits deserve this label, the cultivator of these products gets regularly audited and is being checked on the production conditions. These conditions are of course very strict so the consumer can be assured that these products have a very good quality. The products have to have a perfect taste, an impeccable appearance and of course they have to be safe to eat. The cultivator also has to pay attention to the environment and hygiene during the cultivation process. A Flandria-product is always very fresh: it’s reaped just one day before you can buy it.

I think it’s very good that the vegetables and fruits have to undergo a strict audit before they can receive the Flandria-label, otherwise the label wouldn’t have any purpose. It’s also very good that they make TV-spots for the label because people will recognize it when they go shopping and maybe buy the product. Hopefully a lot of people will buy the Flandria products because the cultivators have to be rewarded for their hard effort!

Here you can watch the video:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRnkRHv6XlY&feature=related (if you look under “related videos” on the right side of the page, you can watch other videos of the Flandria-label)

4 opmerkingen:

  1. Deze reactie is verwijderd door de auteur.

  2. Thanks for explaining what it has to do with auditing. And I'm also glad these products have to be close to perfect to get the label. It's important the consumers can eat fresh and healthy food! Next time when I go to the shop, I'll think about this!

  3. I saw this video of Flandria on television last week, it's very funny! I agree with your opinion Jana, it's very good that vegetables and fruits are audited before they get a label. It's also logical that goods first are audited. Thank you for the interesting news!

  4. The first time a saw this commercial I could'n stop laughing :D. But I didn't know Flandria was a label, I thought it was a brand.
