By the credit crunch the population is afraid and they want to know what’s happened with their money. Now they want to audit the Fed. The Fed (Federal Reserve System) is the Federal Central Bank and was established in 1913. After a credit crunch, president Wilson wanted that the Fed would be given more control over the capital. Since then their power has grown and the Fed has more control. It’s the most powerful and most secret organisation, now president Obama want to give even more power to them. Before that happens the Congress want to do an audit for the first time in history because the Fed has lost a lot of money and they want to know what’s happened with the money and to which banks they are given the money. But the Fed is refusing to allow an audit. They say that they don’t admit an audit because it’s bad for America, the stability of the financial system and the dollar. The people and some members of the Parliament find it very strange because if they have nothing to hide they would permit the audit.
The Fed has a loss of so much money and they can’t show the Congress where the money is. That’s why it’s very important to do an audit and this is also my opinion. Ordinary people need to know what’s happened with their money. There should be regular audits of large financial institutes!
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I think you're right, Jolien. If the Fed has nothing to hide, why don't audit? It would make things clear I think and I don't understand what an audit has to do with the stability of the finicial system and the dollar? Maybe they are just searching excuses...