woensdag 21 oktober 2009

Perfetti Van Melle receives SA8000 certification

I think everybody knows the brands Mentos, Fruitella, Look-O-Look, Frisk and Chupa Chups. But I don’t think everybody knows the producer of all these sweets... Well, it’s the world’s third largest manufacturer of confectionery; Perfetti Van Melle.

Perfetti Van Melle has decided to obtain the SA8000 certification to be an example for its suppliers by showing that they are social responsible. Therefore, Lloyd’s Register Quality Assurance has audited the company with the eye on this social standard.

Some criteria of the SA8000 standard are:
· no child labour or forced labour
· no discrimination
· a healthy and safe workplace

The fact that Perfetti Van Melle deserves the, one of the most widely recognised, standard is also good news for the food manufacturing supply chain. This industry is namely under public pressure to ensure that their employees are fairly treated and work in proper conditions.

I think Perfetti Van Melle has made a good decision by being an example for its suppliers because that’s the way to motivate them to do the same. Namely, most of its suppliers are from countries where workers rights aren’t really a priority. And it’s of course also good for the whole food industry since Perfetti Van Melle has proved that unfairly treating and working in bad conditions is not a usually thing in every food manufacturing company.

3 opmerkingen:

  1. The picture was the first thing that attracted my attention. :D I love Chupa chups loly-pops :D I agree it's a good example that a big company as Perfetti Van Melle wants to obtain the SA8000 standards.
    But I think every company should obtain ore try to obtain those standards.

  2. Hi

    I like this post very much. It help me to solve some my work under my director’s requirements.

    Apart from that, below article also is the same meaning

    SA 8000 Standard

    Tks again and nice keep posting

  3. Hey there! I seem to just have a hard time understanding stuff like this. I've been meaning to get more of an understanding with SA8000 download. I feel it would be really important to know this stuff.
